Yoga Posture Names and Phonetics

Below is a list of the postures taught on the yoga CD series, “Beginning Yoga for Blind and Visually Impaired.” The first word you will hear is the most commonly used English name for the pose, the second word will be the Sanskrit title with its correct spelling, and the third word will be a more accurate pronunciation of the Sanskrit word in phonetics for those who use voice programs.


Mountain,Tadasana. (tah dah suh nuh).
Half Moon, Ardha Chandrasana. (arta chun dra suh nuh).
Standing Forward Bend, Uttanasana (oo tuh nah suh nuh).
Warrior, Virabhadrasana 1 and 2, (vira buh dra suh nuh) .
Triangle, Trikonasana, (trick an ah suh nuh).
Side Angle, Parsvakonasa, (pars vahko nah suh nuh.
Yoga Mudra, (yoga moodra).


Head to Knee, Janu Shirasana, (janyoo shih rah suh nuh).
Half Twist, Ardha Matsyendrasana, (arta motsi and rah suh nuh).
Bound Angle, Baddha Konasana, (bada kuh nah suh nuh).
Seated Forward Bend. Paschimottanasana, (pah chee moe tah nah suh nuh).

On belly

Cobra, Bhujangasana, (boo jan gah suh nuh).
Half Locust. Ardha Shalabasana, (arta shahla ba suh nuh).
Bow, Dhanurasana, (don you rah suh nuh).
Boat. Navasana, (nah va suh nuh).
Child, Garbhasana, (gar bah suh nuh).

On back

Bridge, Setu Bhandasana, (setu vahn dah suh nuh).
Supine Knee Down Twist, Supta Matsyendrasana, (soup tuh motsi and rah suh nuh).
Wind Relieving Pose, Pavana Mukhtasana, (pavana mook ta suh nuh).
Supine Bound Angle, Supta Baddha Konasana, (soup tuh bahd ha koe na suh nuh).
Half Shoulderstand, Ardha Sarvangasana, (arta sar van gah suh nuh).

From table

Upward Facing Dog, Urdva Mukha Svanasana, (erdva moo kha svenah suh nuh).
Downward Facing Dog, Ahdo Mukha Svanasana, (otto mooka sven ah suh nuh).